Albert Fish held the
genuine belief that the murders he committed were upon instruction from
God. Peter Stumpp, who started practising the "wicked arts from twelve
years of age", was convinced he was a werewolf. There are many more
murderous individuals like them. Supernatural Serial Killers
explores the association between serial killers and the supernatural.
The crimes committed by these men and women usually involved sexual
deviance, cannibalism and violence toward children. In sixteenth century
Europe, the problem became so significant that 'Werewolf Witch Trials'
were conducted - many have no idea that it was possible to be tried and
convicted for the crime of being a Werewolf, but Lycanthropy was a
serious and major social concern in the 1500s. In this book,
approximately twenty supernatural serial killers are discussed,
including their background, crimes, trials and defences.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Wow. This book
was both interesting and terrifying at the same time. It was very well
written and had a lot of great information. My hope is this book doesn't
become a template for future murderers.
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