Sunday, April 5, 2015

Microshelters:59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and other Small Structures-Derek "Deek" Diedrickson

Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures 

If you dream of living in a tiny house, or creating a getaway in the backwoods or your backyard, you’ll love this gorgeous collection of creative and inspiring designs for cabins, forts, studios, and other microshelters. Created by an assembly of leading designers, architects, and bloggers, these 57 unique and innovative designs will show you the limits of what is possible. All of the designs include beautiful full-color photos along with floor plans and building tips; 15 of them include flushed-out concept sketches; and five include step-by-step building plans. You’ll also find guidelines on building with recycled and salvaged materials, plus techniques for making your small space comfortable and easy to inhabit.

This book is fantastic. If you have ever wanted to downsize and live a smaller, simpler life, this book is for you. There is so much that you can learn from this. Great job. 

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